Thursday, December 9, 2010

Presidential Salary

When reading the section on the executive branch I was shocked by the salary of the president. I know that being President is an extremely difficult job and deserves ebing well payed but to me $400,000 a year was surprising. When I really thought about it I realized by the time the president leaves office they could be a millionaire. While living in the white house they have little to no expenses which means they can save all of the money they make. What I want to know is why U.S. citizens who are suffering during this economic time are having to pay more taxes while the President continues to make $400,000 yearly.

The Tea Party

I am surprised by the up and coming tea party movement. Although it still is not a major party its numbers are increasing rapidly. I think that it is important that people join a party that shares the same views as themselves. I support all those people who belong to minor parties and stand strong in their beliefs however I am taken a back by the extra conservative view that the tea party holds. Is it too conservative? Will this party continue to grow? Only time will tell.

Eminent Domain

Eminent Domain is a very controversial topic. Should the city, state, or country be able to take away a persons personal property if it is used for the betterment of society? I think that this is a sticky subject. I know that I would not be happy if I was forced to sell the government my personal property. However, at ther same time it might be for the betterment of society, for example to build a police office that would create a safer environment. There is a fine line between taking property for the betterment of society and for the desires of the government. Where is the line drawn?

Balancing the Ticket

I think that balancing the ticket when running for president is a smart and effective strategy. It also, however, has the ability to make or break an election. In Obama's case I believe it helped his election. People saw Obama as young and lacking experience and to balance that he sought out Joe Biden who is older and has much experience. McCain choose Palin who he tried to balance the ticket with because she was a female. This move was what I believe gave Obama the leg up in the election because Palin was a very controversial choice. I found it interesting how much a President's running mate choice effects the outcome.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech is one of our many rights as an American. This is a right that I view as very important. It can also be very controversial. Many people don't understand freedoms may have restrictions. This is one of those freedoms that may have restrictions. I think that although Freedom of Speech is extremely important and is part of being an American I also think that it needs to have boundaries and restrictions as a way to watch out for the people of the US.

Sarah Palin and the 2012 Election

Will Sarah Palin's name make it to the ballot in 2012? At this point I do not think that Palin will be runnin in the 2012 election. I think this because I do not think that she has enough support at this time for her name to appear on the ballot. She was a very controversial figure in the 2008 elections and instead of balancing McCain's ticket she may have caused him to loose votes. I do not think that Palin has gained much more support since the 2008 elections and therefore I would be surprised to se her name on the ballot in 2012.


I was surprised by the whole concept of a filibuster. Honestly, I find it silly. I do not see the effectiveness of use of a filibuster in Senate. I think that they are a waste of time and that people should not be able to "talk a bill to death" with a filibuster. It amazes me that people can filibuster a bill by simply talking about anything and everything until people give in and agree. I think that filibusters take away from the process of reviewing bills which should be the main concern of Senate.

2012 Election Possibilties

As Obama enters his third year as President people are starting to question what will come of the 2012 election. Obama mostly likely will remain the Democrats nominee but will he be able to hold the office? I think that many people believe Obama has not lived up to his campaign promises. I do agree that Obama was a great campaigner and not all of his promises have been fulfilled. However, I think that a lot goes on behind the scene and that change in our country takes time. The question of weather or not Obama will hold a second term remains and open question for the time being. 

Prop 20: redistricting

A no on prop 20 would mean that California districts would continue to be drawn my member of the House of Representatives. A yes vote would mean that the people would create a committee that would draw up the district lines.  I think that it is important that for a fair vote that those being elected, like the members of the House remain excluded from the district drawing process. This would, however, mean an increase in the cost of redistricting because a committee would have to be paid to draw districts. This proposition passed with a yes vote by 61%. I think that this measure being passed will result in more fair election results.