Saturday, September 25, 2010

Voting Age

I believe that the age eighteen is an appropriate age for people to gain the right to vote. I do not think that it should be lowered because I think that most people under the age of eighteen are unaware of the different aspects of the political world. I think that it is important to have well informed voters and I think that for many people under the age of eighteen are lacking a sense of political maturity. I believe that people who are legal residents and who participate in our society should have the right to vote without citizenship. These resident aliens often contribute a lot to our society and I believe that because they are here legally and contribute to our society they're voice should be heard. Citizens who have committed felonies should be stripped of their voting right temporarily. I think that this would be a reasonable result of the committed felonies and that while serving jail time they should be stripped of there voting rights.


  1. I definitely agree with you when you say involvement in society should qualify someone to vote without citizenship. As long as these people are here legally i agree that they can contribute a lot to our society and deserve the right to vote within our country.

  2. Are you saying that prisoners shouldn't be able to vote when they are out of prison or while there in?

  3. i agree that 18 is a good age for those same reasons.. and that voting is a previllege, and is fair that it be taken away from anyone who has violently violated the law.

  4. I agree with what you said about how eighteen is a good age, along with how you talked about if we were to lower the age that people would not have enough political maturity or awareness of how to vote or who they are voting for.

  5. I agree with you! 18 is a good age for voting! People need to have enough education level so they can make the right choice~!

  6. I agree with you too, I think that they should have responsibitity when they are 18! So they have the opportunity to vote, and that ways they can be mature to learn how to choose the right decision!
