Monday, October 25, 2010

Drugs In Portugal

I found the article about how drugs are dealt with in Portugal very interesting. When reading the article I thought about what California would be like if we followed the same drug laws as Portugal. This would mean that no one would go to jail for drug use or possession and they would have the option of turning down rehab therapy. I think that this would increase the amount of drug addicts and possibly result in a higher crime rate. However, the amount of inmate in jails would decrease and save the state a large sum of money. I do not think that saving that money would be worth it though. I think that in order to keep the majority of Californians safe it is important to maintain drug laws.


  1. I totally agree with u!Drug use is really serious problem! IF no one would go to jail for drug use, people would take advantage of that. So it is really important to maintain drug laws~~

  2. I agree, I dont think that saving money justifies drug use. I think its more important to try to create a safer society rather than try to cut spending, because in the long run, the same, or possibly more, amount of money will be spent on crime prevention, police enforcement, and programs to try and reduce drug related crime and issues.

  3. This is an interesting way to look at this situation for sure. At first i wasn't sure where you were going with saying nobody would go to jail and they could turn down rehab but now it makes sense. While saving all this money would definitely be helpful, in most cases maintaining our laws pertaining to drugs is important for the safety of our citizens.
